According to L. Garza (2002) One day two farmers named Thomas and Alfred were best friends. When it got hot outside they would grab their cows and head to a cool green plain in the mountains. Normally they would stay there with the cows all summer and their work was simple and boring. One day the farmer Thomas said they should make a life sized doll and use it as a scarecrow. Alfred agreed and they decided to base the doll off of a farmer they both hated. His name was Harold so that’s what they named the doll. When they were mad they kicked and beat the doll. Once Al swore he heard the doll grunt and after that experience they left him alone. One night Al saw something that frightened him and it was the doll growing. Thomas agreed but they thought they were just imagining things. The next day they saw Harold get up and climb up on the roof, he then came down and stood in the garden. Alfred forgot the milking stools so he went to get them. Al never came back so Thomas went to search and all he saw was Harold with a bloody piece of flesh. (p.n.d.)
This story is very interesting and I think its kind of cool that a scarecrow came to life. I probably wouldn’t think so if I saw it in real though. The scary part is when Thomas sees Harold’s doll with the piece of flesh. This story is also kind of sad how they hate Harold so much they would make a doll just to beat it up when they were angry.